Ways to Handle Financial Stress

Financial difficulties can happen to all of us at different points in our life. Such times can make you feel like there is no solution and overwhelm you with stress. If you are currently feeling like this, rest assured that you are not alone. Many people have faced financial stress and have been able to cope successfully. Consider the following tips on how you can deal with financial stress.

Pay Your Essential Bills

During a difficult financial time, something that may be causing you the most stress can be paying your bills. This can include many payments, including rent, utility bills, groceries, and living essentials. Although you are facing difficult times financially, some expenses still need to keep up on. Of course, it is vital to pay off your most important bills before you spend on other things. Focus on your rent or mortgage and other living necessities that you require first. While you still may feel overwhelmed by all these payments, you can feel more reassured when you still have somewhere to live with sufficient living items.

Find Ways to Make Money

To help alleviate your financial stress, consider finding other ways to make money.
It certainly can be challenging to find jobs quickly if you are dealing with financial problems. It can be even more difficult if you need the money within a quick amount of time. Rest assured that there are jobs that provide cash in a short amount of time. A few ways can include the following:
-Filling out Surveys
-Walking Dogs
-Selling Items Online
-Child Care

These are just a few prominent examples, yet there are so many more. These jobs can help lower your stress levels as you get back on your feet financially.

Create a Saving Plan

It is easy to lose track of everything when you are engulfed with stress. If you are experiencing financial stress, a great idea to help is to create a savings plan. This plan should include ways that you plan to save and how you are going to do it. It can also include short-term and long-term saving goals that you have, during and after your stressful time. For inspiration on what else to form, there are many examples and templates on the internet. When you have this plan in place, it will help you think clearly when your financial stress overwhelms you.

Speak With Experienced Ones

During a difficult financial time, you feel like no one can relate to your situation and your stress. Yet there are millions of people who have been in a very similar situation as you, even some in your local area. Speaking with these and hearing their experiences can help you. They can offer advice on how they could deal with their overwhelming feelings and pick themselves up financially. They can also guide what they wish they could have avoided and what they should have done sooner. By posting a comment online about your experience, you can quickly get in contact with many people.

Seek Out a Financial Counselor

Similar to the previous point, finding someone to speak with can help tremendously. A financial counselor is training in offering financial help to people. They have discussed financial issues with many people and found solutions, especially if they have been in their profession for a while. If you feel that your financial situation is too much to handle on your own, a financial counselor is a great option to choose. They can find practical solutions and a personalized action plan to become financially stable again successfully. If your stress is becoming very overwhelming to a worrying point, it would be best to seek professional help.

Dealing with financial stress can be very daunting. However, when you put practical steps in place and find the right supports, you can overcome your stress.

If you have any questions about financial stress, please reach out to me!


-Omololu, Enoch (2021). 17 Real Ways To Make Extra Money From Home and Online in Canada 2021. Savvy. Retrieved from https://www.savvynewcanadians.com/how-to-make-money-home-online-canada/

-Renfro, Brandon (2021). 7 Ways to Manage Financial Stress During Trying Times. Bankrate. Retrieved from https://www.bankrate.com/banking/ways-to-manage-financial-stress/